Why Snowplow CDI versus Customer Data Platform

Data teams that want to centralize customer data and governance in their own data platform are supplementing or replacing their customer data platform with Snowplow to scale AI-driven digital analytics and real-time experiences.

Transform your data strategy with a fundamentally different approach
to customer data infrastructure

Overcome the high costs, poor data governance, and lack of AI readiness that comes with using a customer data platform (CDP) as your primary infrastructure for collecting and processing customer behavioral data across your entire digital estate. Unlike a CDP, Snowplow is optimized for processing data in-warehouse, lake, and stream. Unlock more value from your data with a cost-effective infrastructure that runs inside your own data platform on your VPN.

What Snowplow Can Do for You

Reduce costs as you scale

In addition to SaaS, Snowplow offers a Private Managed Cloud deployment with the data plane running in your AWS, GCP, or Azure environment. This model can significantly reduce your costs as you scale your event and customer volumes, while also providing end-to-end visibility and auditability of your customer data processing.

Improve customer data governance

Snowplow Data Product Studio enables different teams to produce and manage distinct data sets. It also provides visibility into which teams own each data set, what each data set means, how it is structured, and how it has evolved over time to make it much easier for all data consuming teams to understand and leverage all your customer behavioral data.

Improve customer data quality

Snowplow offers extensive tooling to ensure your data is of the highest quality. Snowtype makes it easier and faster for developers to instrument accurate event tracking across sources. Features like Snowplow Micro and Failed Events make it easier to test, triage, diagnose, resolve, and recover data.

Deliver data that is easy to analyze and activate

Snowplow delivers customer behavioral data to your cloud data platform in real time. Our data models aggregate the data into tables optimized for BI and AI in your warehouse or lake to enable composable analytics and activation use cases. Stream the data to other destinations such as Apache Kakfa for real-time use cases.

Complement warehouse-native activation tools

Snowplow complements and enhances warehouse-native CDPs like Amperity, GrowthLoop, and Simon Data by providing them with rich, high quality, well-governed customer behavioral data available in your data warehouse or lakehouse. Streamline data activation workflows for business teams with Reverse ETL and Audience Hub, Powered by Census.

We don't prefer full SaaS, when everything runs on the vendor side. We don't like that for legal reasons and because it is safer when the data is fully in our control.



Get Started

Unlock the value of your behavioral data with customer data infrastructure for AI, advanced analytics, and personalized experiences