Packaged vs Composable CDPs
Listen in for a chat that explores the growing “customer data divide” between IT and marketing, and how this fuels ongoing debates between Packaged vs Composable CDP solutions. David Chan, CDP Practice Leader at Deloitte, will moderate an open discussion with the CEOs of Census, Simon Data, and Snowplow, providing a unique opportunity to gain valuable insights and perspectives from industry leaders.
What you’ll learn from this session:
- A comprehensive overview of the different considerations of both all-in-one CDP and composable CDP solutions
- Where the industry agrees and disagrees on data activation, unbundling, and the “dual zone” CDP
- How deep collaboration between IT/Data and Marketing teams can maximize the value of customer data
Meet Your Speakers
Snowplow Hosted Webinar
David Chan
Managing Director
Boris Jabes
Founder & CEO
Jason Davis
Alex Dean
Co-Founder and CEO