The Great Potato Survey

When you think of Snowplow, what comes to mind? Maybe you think of an innovative platform that can help you create granular behavioural data. Maybe you think of a culture which encourages creativity and inclusivity. Potatoes would probably be the last thing you'd think of. But you'd be wrong!
Over lockdown, we discovered we all shared a fascination, no, an obsession with the starchy little fellas. So much so, that two of our team members gave a company-wide presentation on the topic! We now have a #potato-lovers Slack channel and this year have launched our first ever Great Potato Survey for National Potato Day (Yes, it's a real day). Here are our findings:
What is your favourite type of potato?

What do you put on your chips/ fries?

What is your favourite potato chip/ crisp flavour?

Gnocchi is considered a potato

The potato culture at Snowplow is important to me and my beliefs

How much money would you have to be paid to go a year without potatoes?

What's your favourite type of potato?