Snowplow vs. Segment

How does Segment – a customer data platform (CDP) – compare to Snowplow customer data infrastructure (CDI)?

Real-Time Data

Snowplow can get data to your storage destination in as little as 5 seconds, supporting real-time use cases like recommendations. In contrast, Segment’s limitations mean it often cannot support such low-latency requirements.

Quality Assurance

Snowplow offers trial tracking in a sandbox environment, similar to software testing. Data is pre-validated with JSON schemas to ensure quality, unlike Segment, which struggles with the same level of data integrity and validation.

Data Ownership and Privacy

Snowplow ensures complete data ownership and privacy by allowing deployment in your own cloud environment, keeping all customer data under your control. In contrast, Segment stores data on their servers, raising privacy and compliance concerns, and limiting your control over the data.

"I’ve never seen engineers and marketing people talk to each other as much as they are right now. We’ve just touched the surface with Snowplow. I am super excited to see what’s possible."



Data Privacy and Ownership

Snowplow: Deploy our technology directly into your own cloud environment, ensuring customer data remains private and fully under your control.

Segment: Stores your data on their servers, raising privacy and compliance concerns, and limiting your control over the data.

Optimized for AI & BI

Snowplow: Lands data in your storage destination in an AI- and BI-ready state, saving time and resources on data cleaning and preparation.

Segment: The structure and quality of data loaded to centralized storage are often insufficient for scalable, reliable data projects.

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