Enhance & Govern
your Data in Real-Time

Enforce data quality and compliance across the enterprise with enhanced and governed event data.

Enrich and Validate Your Data for Downstream Destinations

With 15+ dedicated enrichments as well as support for any custom enrichments via Javascript, SQL and API you can enhance your data in real-time before it reaches your warehouse or lake.

PII Pseudonymization

Protect the privacy rights of your customers by pseudonymizing any fields that are configured as PII.

IP Anonymization

The IP anonymization enrichment masks IP addresses to ensure compliance and customer data.

Campaign Attribution

Automatically capture attribute marketing channel to an event and customer with support for UTM’s and custom click and network attribution.

IAB International Spiders and Bots List Model

Identify which events are generated by a user, spider, or bot to ensure accurate insights, predictions, and segmentation in downstream tools.

Define, Implement and Evolve Your Tracking With Ease with Data Product Studio

Bridge the gap between data producers and consumers. Create, define, implement and evolve your tracking with Snowplow BDP UI and API’s.

Design & document tracking

Easy define and document all your events including event structure, entities, triggers and more.

Define ownership & enable collaboration

Define ownership of data products within your business and create alerting for when changes are made.

Version events
with ease

Automatically determining the level of versioning required based on the changes you have made and the destination that you are loading your data to.

Generate custom tracking with ease

Generate and implement custom tracking faster with Snowtype our command line interface (CLI) tool.

Respect customers’ privacy
at point of collection

Stay one step ahead in an ever-changing data compliance landscape with Snowplow’s built-in privacy controls to manage privacy at point of data collection.

Out-of-the-box-privacy tooling

With 35+ dedicated first-party trackers and webhooks you can track events and entities and deliver a single unified event stream to warehouse, lake or to a real-time stream.

Track consent with every event

Full transparency into customer consent with Snowplow’s ‘basis for tracking’ contexts. Record a full GDPR context (or other regulatory framework) with every event.

Manage privacy by region

With Snowplow you can deploy separate data pipelines and adapt the security protocols to respect privacy rules by region.

Get Started

Unlock the value of your behavioral data with customer data infrastructure for AI, advanced analytics, and personalized experiences