Compare Snowplow
How does Snowplow stack up against other tools in our ecosystem?
Customer Data Platforms (CDPs)
Snowplow is often compared to CDPs. While there is some overlapping functionality, the technology behind Snowplow’s Behavioral Data Platform (BDP) and CDPs is fundamentally different. CDPs were born from tag managers and are primarily designed to integrate with a large number of sources. Snowplow’s Behavioral Data Platform is architected entirely around data quality and the data warehouse, specializing in event-level data.
Packaged vs. Composable CDPs
A blog comparing the latest composable approach to the old CDP model.
Rudderstack vs. case study
A staff engineer takes the two tools head to head to track a dating app he built.
Packaged vs. Composable CDPs
A webinar comparing the latest composable approach to the old CDP model.
Packaged Analytics Tools
Packaged analytics often focus on web and mobile data, neglecting valuable insights from server-side systems, support desks, and other sources. Pre-built reports offer a quick start but lack customization for specific business needs. Additionally, integrating data from external sources can be challenging, creating isolated data pockets that hinder a comprehensive understanding of user behavior.
Snowplow vs. Google Analytics
Learn how Snowplow has overcome many limitations of Google Analytics 4.
Snowplow vs. Adobe Analytics
A detailed comparison of Snowplow with Adobe’s Analytics tool.
Overcoming GA4 Limitations
Learn how Snowplow compares to the mass market analytics tool.
Other Tools
This section includes complementary tools from the Modern Data Stack, as well as other ways of collecting and managing data which do not fit into the packaged analytics or customer data platform (CDP) categories.
Snowplow vs. ETL tools
How does behavioral data differ from Extract Transform Load tooling?
Snowplow vs. DIY pipelines
Should you consider building your own behavioral data pipeline?
Get Started Today
Unlock the value of your behavioral data with customer data infrastructure for AI, advanced analytics, and personalized experiences