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Snowplow 110 Valle dei Templi introduces real-time enrichments on GCP

We are excited to announce the release of Snowplow 110 Valle dei Templi, named after the archeological site in Agrigento, Sicily. This release brings the real-time enrichment process on Google Cloud Platform to Cloud Dataflow.

Please read on after the fold for:

  1. Beam Enrich
  2. Bug fixes
  3. Upgrading
  4. Roadmap
  5. Help

By Jos Dielis Valle dei Templi, via Wikimedia Commons

1. Beam Enrich

Beam Enrich is our new enrichment platform targeting Google Cloud Platform’s Cloud Dataflow service. It effectively replaces Stream Enrich on GCP, which we previously introduced in Release 101 Neapolis.

This move is part of our strategy to go cloud-native on GCP, which we outlined in our “Porting Snowplow to Google Cloud Platform” RFC.

At a high level, Beam Enrich works in the same way as the existing enrichment platforms: it takes as input a Google Cloud PubSub topic of raw data collected by the Scala Stream Collector, enriches it, and outputs both successfully enriched events to one topic, plus a stream of events that have failed enrichment to another topic.

There are a multitude of reasons why Cloud Dataflow running Beam Enrich is better than compute instances running Stream Enrich, we’ll try to comment on a few here:

  • No need for hardware management: Dataflow is a completely managed service – you don’t have to spin up instances and take care of them
  • Designed for streaming: Dataflow provides reliable and consistent exactly-once processing semantics as long as transformations are side-effect free, you can read more on the subject here
  • Out of the box auto-scaling: Dataflow optimizes the number of workers to maximize throughput

In the course of this development work, we have been really impressed with Cloud Dataflow’s programming model. You can interact with Dataflow through the Apache Beam API which really provides the same programming model for batch and streaming computations, as well as abstracts over the execution engine (which can be Dataflow, Spark or Flink).

In addition, Spotify has built a very nice Scala API on top of Beam called Scio, which Beam Enrich leverages.

2. AWS pipeline bug fixes

This release also brings with it two important bug fixes, one each for our AWS batch and real-time pipelines.

2.1 Clojure Collector’s CORS response

As we explained in an open source alert on our Discourse forum, the default configuration for CORS changed with Tomcat 8.0.53, which, as a result, prevented OPTIONS requests from getting through.

With this release, we have mirrored the behaviour of the Scala Stream Collector which is to send back a response containing the original value of the Origin header as Access-Control-Allow-Origin.

2.2 PII stream parent event’s context

When leveraging the PII Enrichment introduced in release 106, the contexts field in the new PII transformation event would contain the wrong schema coordinates: com.snowplowanalytics.snowplow/parent_event/jsonschema/1-0-0 instead of iglu:com.snowplowanalytics.snowplow/parent_event/jsonschema/1-0-0 (note the iglu: prefix).

This has been fixed with this release.

3. Upgrading

3.1 Beam Enrich

This section will help you get started with Beam Enrich.

Beam Enrich-specific CLI options

Beam Enrich comes with a set of pre-defined CLI options:

  • --job-name, the name of the job as it will appear in the Dataflow console
  • --raw=projects/{project}/subscriptions/{raw-topic-subscription} which describes the input PubSub subscription Beam Enrich will consume from
  • --enriched=projects/{project}/topics/{enriched-topic} which is the PubSub topic the successfully enriched events will be sinked to
  • --bad=projects/{project}/topics/{bad-topic}, the PubSub topic where events that have failed enrichment will end up
  • --pii=projects/{project}/topics/{pii-topic}, the PubSub topic where events resulting from the PII enrichment will end up, optional
  • --resolver=iglu_resolver.json, the necessary Iglu resolver to lookup the schemas in your data
  • --enrichments=enrichments the optional directory containing the enrichments that need to be performed

It’s important to note that every enrichment relying on local files will need to have the necessary files stored in Google Cloud Storage. For example, here is the IP Lookups Enrichment:

{ "schema": "iglu:com.snowplowanalytics.snowplow/ip_lookups/jsonschema/2-0-0", "data": { "name": "ip_lookups", "vendor": "com.snowplowanalytics.snowplow", "enabled": true, "parameters": { "geo": { "data
base": "GeoLite2-City.mmdb", "uri": "gs://gcs-bucket/maxmind" } } } }

General Dataflow options

To run on Dataflow, Beam Enrich will rely on a set of additional configuration options:

  • --runner=DataFlowRunner which specifies that we want to run on Dataflow
  • --project={project}, the name of the GCP project
  • --streaming=true to notify Dataflow that we’re running a streaming application
  • --zone=europe-west2-a, the zone where the Dataflow nodes (effectively GCP Compute Engine nodes) will be launched
  • --region=europe-west2, the region where the Dataflow job will be launched
  • --gcpTempLocation=gs://location/, the GCS bucket where temporary files necessary to run the job (e.g. jarfiles) will be stored

The list of all the options can be found in the relevant Cloud Dataflow documentation.


Beam Enrich comes as a ZIP archive or a Docker image, feel free to choose which fits your use case the most.

The ZIP archive is published on our Bintray.

Once you have the archive unzipped, you can run it:

./bin/snowplow-beam-enrich  --runner=DataFlowRunner  --project=project-id  --streaming=true  --zone=europe-west2-a  --gcpTempLocation=gs://location/  --job-name=beam-enrich  --raw=projects/project/subscriptions/raw-topic-subscription  --enriched=projects/project/topics/enriched-topic  --bad=projects/project/topics/bad-topic  --pii=projects/project/topics/pii-topic  #OPTIONAL --resolver=iglu_resolver.json  --enrichments=enrichments/

You can also display a help message which will describe every Beam Enrich-specific option:

./bin/snowplow-beam-enrich --runner=DataFlowRunner --help

The Docker image for Beam Enrich is published on our Bintray.

You can run a container with the following command:

docker run  -v $PWD/config:/snowplow/config snowplow-beam-enrich:0.1.0  -e GOOGLE_APPLICATION_CREDENTIALS=/snowplow/config/credentials.json  # if running outside GCP snowplow-beam-enrich:0.1.0  --runner=DataFlowRunner  --project=project-id  --streaming=true  --zone=europe-west2-a  --gcpTempLocation=gs://location/  --job-name=beam-enrich  --raw=projects/project/subscriptions/raw-topic-subscription  --enriched=projects/project/topics/enriched-topic  --bad=projects/project/topics/bad-topic  --pii=projects/project/topics/pii-topic  #OPTIONAL --resolver=/snowplow/config/iglu_resolver.json  --enrichments=/snowplow/config/enrichments/

This assumes that you have a config folder in the current directory containing:

  1. Your Iglu resolver
  2. Your enrichments
  3. Your GCP credentials, if you’re starting Beam Enrich from outside of GCP

3.2 Clojure Collector

The new Clojure Collector incorporating the fix discussed above is available in S3 at:


3.3 Stream Enrich

A new version of Stream Enrich incorporating the fix for the PII parent event’s context as discussed above can be found on our Bintray here.

Note that the latest version of Stream Enrich also removes the GCP support introduced in Snowplow R101 Neapolis – please use Beam Enrich instead.

4. Roadmap

Upcoming Snowplow releases include:

Stay tuned for announcements of more upcoming Snowplow releases soon!

5. Getting help

For more details on this release, please check out the release notes on GitHub.

If you have any questions or run into any problem, please visit our Discourse forum.

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