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Snowplow Analytics gets nod at MeasureCamp London

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Opening Session

It was a busy Saturday in Pimlico as hundreds descended on the area for the 10th edition of MeasureCamp London on 25 March. My colleague Diogo and I were there representing Snowplow’s Analytics team.

The dozens of sessions that attendees delivered as part of the event were heavily dominated by topics around Google Analytics and its suite of accompanying tools and services. But open-source platforms such as Snowplow got their fair share of shout outs.

One that stood out for us was in a session about New & Affordable Analytics and Optimisation Tools by Jorrin Quest & Ton Wesseling. The goal of this session was to share knowledge across the community and come up with a list of free or affordable tools that come recommended for professionals in the analytics and optimisation space.

Snowplow was nominated to the list by Jordan Peck, Marketing Analyst at First 10, for being “the best marketing analytics platform out there”.

Thanks Jordan. We appreciate that!

If you’re curious to know what Jordan was on about or keen to get onboard and start using data as a competitive tool, check out our Product page and get in touch to discuss a trial.

You can find the full list from Jorrin and Ton’s session here.

To cap off a great Saturday, Diogo also won one of the prizes in the sweepstakes at the end of the event – a shiny new record player.

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Dilyan Damyanov
Dilyan Damyanov

Dilyan is a Data Engineer at Snowplow.

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